Beyond the basics, + dog
creates tolerant, trusting, and confident dogs. Great job everyone who participated in this tough class - Bean, Clark, Cleo, Ennie, Floyd, Georgie, Gracie and Jack!
Want to see more? Click here to watch another short video
Designed to go beyond the basics, the pawsitive dog's multidimensional training classes work together with our day
school program to focus on relationship, good manners, obedience and more. Based on a combined 50+ years of full-time teaching and training experience, we not only teach you,
but teach your dog the classics ("sit!", "down!", "stay!", etc. ) as well as address the A-Z's of canine etiquette and behavior all
while making learning fun! The results? An adaptable, adjustable dog, no matter what life brings.
Instead of a quick-fix approach to dog-training or a simple obedience program, we have the experience and
knowledge to teach you how to do it right - 24-hours a day, every single day. No sugar coating, simplifying or
generic training here. We get into the nitty-gritty, help owners connect the dots and via our consultation/evaluation process, help you to develop a strategy that meets each of your needs and
simultaneously educate both you and your dog for lifelong success.
By learning to think and talk "dog," our in-depth class curriculum helps you and your dog communicate more
effectively while building your confidence in one another and enhancing your bond as a unique team. Both you
and your dog are invited to attend a weekly or bi-weekly class that runs up to one full hour in length and is
determined by dog/owner comfort level, activity level, and class size. The number of classes can vary anywhere
between one and 100+, with most students participating in 25+, for optimal lifelong success. Of course,
individual class attendance varies according to each team's starting place, training pace, commitment, and goals.
Our evening classes vary in size and range from semi-private (2-3 dogs) to group (8-10 dogs), ensuring
individualized attention yet simulating the activity in a real-world environment. Fun, exciting and educational –
we're certain you'll develop the skills you need to take your training to the city streets, the neighborhood park, your home or anywhere else you would like to go!
How do we know it'll work for you? Head trainers, Jen and Francis have well over 10,000 dog and owner teams
at the end of their leash and more than 30,000 teaching hours! the pawsitive dog has had a consistent 2-4
month wait for over a decade, and does zero advertising. Just ask around! We know you'll like what you hear and the results that you see!
+ dog realizes that observation and participation are key parts of any training success. That's why in addition to
a class and day school commitment, we encourage active students to utilize the additional resources we have available for them:
+ Audit like-level classes, free*
+ Call with questions, free
+ Study with extra help sessions, for a small fee*
+ Supplement with specially designed one-of-a-kind classes, for a small fee
*schedule permitting
We are committed to helping owners and their dogs develop enjoyable lifelong partnerships. Let our unique, in
-depth approach and curriculum, experienced and dedicated team exceed your expectations and help you achieve your training goals in every way possible.
Call today or click here to contact us.
Here's what one successful + dog client had to say about + dog's traditional classes…

"While myself and Harper still have a lot of work to do to get him more adaptive and relaxed
around other dogs, I am seeing a change in our relationship that is for the better. The structure that comes from the lessons of the classes has turned our
relationship around. While his aggressive tendencies were increasing and becoming more frequent or intense when we moved to Southie, it feels like now we are
moving in a direction of getting those things under control.
"I love this dog more than anything, and I'm so thankful and appreciative of the work
that you all do. Jen's attention to details is great; I don't know if she has a second set of eyes, but somehow she knows where she needs to be to keep
everyone in the class happy and safe, and knows what is going on everywhere in the room. I'm very appreciative of her helping all the dogs succeed in the
classroom environment."
— Chris H.